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刘京 Adonisjing Arel 02 写真

刘京 Adonisjing Arel 02

擁有完美身材比例 Arel,因為在羅路上分享科學健身心得而被攝影師發覺,“齊天大聖”的驚艷造型爆紅,成為許多攝影師的寵兒。

Arel, with a perfect body proportion, is discovered by photographers because it shares scientific fitness tips online. The stunning shape of “The Great Saint of Heaven” has become popular and become the favorite of many photographers. The photographer Liu Jing brought Arel’s new personal photo album with the same name, tore off all the mask camouflage, boldly show the temptation body of net red, the most wonderful moment to show his readers.

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